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4 Transferable Skills that a Language Assistant Should Have

Young Language Assistant assisting her students

A Language Assistant is someone who has a specific set of abilities and skills that will help him or her support the English teacher in the classroom. Meddeas is well aware of this, and looks for candidates with a certain profile during the selection process. In this post I will tell you about 4 transferable skills that you should have if you want to become a Meddeas Language Assistant.

Transferable Skills to Teach Abroad

After researching dozens of TEFL placements in a variety of countries, I found that many generally have the same requirements: being a native-level English speaker, having any Bachelor’s degree, communication skills, and minimum one year teaching experience. Fortunately, this latter is not the case in Meddeas.

Aside from these requirements, there are a few things to keep in mind while you are looking for opportunities to teach English in Spain. Career counselors advise us about these nifty transferable skills. Generally categorized in four groups, these skills are key to the door of your new office/school/art studio/and-so-on, and obtaining a professional position. While teaching in your school, it is best to finely tune these hinges and screws, so this door opens easily for you.

So, what are the transferable skills that a Language Assistant should have?


This is the most. Most, most, most common skill required that I have seen among TEFL job postings! I do not mean your ability to snap-chat you singing your jam that came on the radio, but rather your ability to email and speak professionally in a way that will make you part of a team, and not just an English-speaking body walking around.


How you relate to others. We all have a tendency to think that we are fabulous. But what do our co-workers think about us? Do we listen to listen or just to respond? Can I work on a team even if I don’t vibe with these people?


I will give you the benefit of the doubt, since you are reading this article this instant you obviously have some type of planning cells in your brain and are trying to organize your life. To teach we must plan, read, and research ahead of time to actually be affective. “The dog ate my homework” will not fly with most professionals in this field.


To complete this perfectly sculpted English Teacher that you will become, we must mold independence, think-on-your-feet reflexes, and decisiveness into the finished product. Being able to take charge of a classroom, or even just a few kids and make their learning experience fun while incorporating what the school wants those children to learn will speak volumes on your leadership skills.

These 4 transferable skills will help you in the role of a Language Assistant. Cultivating them will be useful not only in Meddeas Language Assistant Programs, but also in many other professional opportunities.

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